As a front-end dev and hobby web developer my stack is pretty JavaScript heavy. But I'm still playing around with other languages every once in a while. I'm pretty happy with JavaScript (and TypeScript) at the moment though so there's not too much else going on...
- Web Dev Basics: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Web (JavaScript) Projects
- NPM for package management
- TypeScript for type checking
- ESLint, Prettier, and Stylelint for linting
- Jest as test runner and for 'simple' testing
- Hosting: Netlify for static sites, Heroku for small web-apps
Web Apps
- React for building UIs
- Gatsby for static sites
- Linaria for CSS-in-JS
- Storybook as a component library
- react-testing-library for unit and integration testing
- Cypress for end-to-end testing
App Development
- React Native for mobile development
CLI Scripts
bash for simple scripts
- Shellcheck for linting
What I'm curious about
Node for backend development
- nvm for nodeversion management
- Svelte as an alternative to React
- Electron or Proton Native for gui desktop apps
- Rust for larger cli scripts